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How to Automatically Showcase Google My Business Reviews on Instagram Reels

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Let’s discuss how you can integrate Google My Business, Creatomate, and Instagram. After completing the integration, any positive reviews received by your business on Google My Business will trigger the creation of a reel in Creatomate and its subsequent posting on Instagram.
This automation requires a one-time setup, for which we will use Pabbly Connect.
We will first link Google My Business with Pabbly Connect to gather the reviews, then link Pabbly Connect with Creatomate to create reels, and at last, post those reels on Instagram.

Steps to Automatically Showcase Google My Business Reviews on Instagram Reels

1. Sign In / Sign Up to Pabbly Connect and Create a Workflow
2. Setup Google My Business as the Action App to Gather Reviews
3. Add a Filter to the Workflow
4. Setup Creatomate as the Action App to Create Videos
5. Setup Instagram as the Action App to Create Reels
6. Setup Instagram as the Action App to Publish Reels

Step 1:- Sign In / Sign Up to Pabbly Connect and Create a Workflow

A. Sign In / Sign Up

To begin this process, visit Pabbly Connect and create your account by clicking on the ‘Sign Up Free’ button. You can also click on Sign In if you already have an account.

Click on the Pabbly Connect ‘Access Now’ button

B. Create Workflow

To create a new workflow, click the ‘Create Workflow’ button.

Name your workflow, and click on ‘Create’.

Step 2:- Setup Google My Business as the Action App to Gather Reviews

We will now look at the steps to establish a link between Google My Business and Pabbly Connect – this will help us fetch new reviews posted on your Google My Business profile.

A. Trigger App

Trigger allows us to choose the application that will receive the data for Pabbly Connect. In our case, it would be Google My Business.

Choose ‘Google My Business’ as the Trigger App, select ‘New Review’ as a Trigger Event, and click on ‘Connect’.

B. Connect with Google My Business Account

To connect with your Google My Business account, select ‘Add New Connection’ and click on ‘Sign in with Google’. Also, grant the authorization.

Select the Account and Business Location whose reviews you want to capture, and click on ‘Save & Send Test Request’.

Expand Response Received under which the captured review must be visible. Thus, confirming the established connection.

Step 3:- Add a Filter to the Workflow

To create a reel that showcases solely positive reviews while excluding negative ones, we will introduce a filter to our Workflow.

Choose ‘Filter by Pabbly’ as the Action App, select ‘StarRating’ as your Label, select ‘Equal to’ as the Filter Type, and enter ‘FIVE’ as Value. At last, click on ‘Save & Send Test Request’ – This will ensure that the next step in our workflow will be executed only if there is a five-star rating.

Step 4:- Setup Creatomate as the Action App to Create Videos

Action allows us to choose the application that will get executed by the workflow trigger.
We essentially want to create reels for all the positive five-star reviews using Creatomate. Thus, Creatomate will be our Action App.

Prerequisite: It is assumed that you have a pre-designed template at hand.

A. Action App

Choose ‘Creatomate’ as the Action App, select ‘Create Single Render’ as an Action Event, and click on ‘Connect’.

B. Connect Creatomate Account

To connect with your Creatomate account, select ‘Add New Connection’. You will be asked to enter the API Token.

Login to your Creatomate account, and navigate to ‘Project Settings’.

Reveal and copy the API Key, paste it into its given field, and click on ‘Save’.

Select the Template you want to use for creating the video.

C. Make Necessary Modifications

Given that we have a pre-existing template, our only task is to adjust the values and keys within that template.

In the Modifications field, enter “key1” : “value1”.

Go to the template where you want to make the necessary modifications, and click on ‘Use Template’ > ‘API Integration’.

Copy the Dynamic Element, and replace Key1 with this element.

Replace value1 by mapping the review from the trigger step, and click on ‘Save & Send Test Request’. This will ensure that the value in our template will be replaced with an actual review.

Once you click Save & Send Test Request, a video featuring the five-star review will be generated. You can access this reel using the URL.

Step 5:- Setup Instagram as the Action App to Create Reels

Our next step is to utilize the generated video for creating reels on Instagram. Thus, Instagram will be our Action App.

A. Action App

Choose ‘Instagram for Business’ as the Action App, select ‘Create Reel Video’ as an Action Event, and click on ‘Connect’.

B. Connect Instagram Account

To connect with your Instagram account, select ‘Add New Connection’ and click on ‘Connect With Instagram for Business’. Also, grant the authorization.

Select the Instagram Account where you want to create the reel.

C. Map Necessary Fields

Now that you have connected your Instagram account, all you need is to map the necessary details from the step above. Mapping ensures our data remains dynamic and changes as per the received responses.

Map the Video URL from the step above.

Similarly, fill in the other fields, and click on ‘Save & Send Test Request’.

Step 6:- Setup Instagram as the Action App to Publish Reels

To publish the produced video as an Instagram reel, we will again configure Instagram as the Action App.

A. Action App

Choose ‘Instagram for Business’ as the Action App, select ‘Publish Video’ as an Action Event, and click on ‘Connect’.

B. Establish Connection

Since you are already connected to your Instagram account, all we need is to ‘Select Existing Connection’ and click on ‘Save’.

Select the Instagram Account where you want to publish the reel, map the Photo/Video ID from the step above, and click on ‘Save & Send Test Request’.

As soon as you click Save & Send Test Request, the reel will be posted on your Instagram account.

Our automation is complete. We have successfully integrated Google My Business, Creatomate, and Instagram. Henceforth, whenever a customer rates your business with five stars and writes a positive review, a reel featuring the rating and review will be generated automatically and posted on Instagram.

You can copy this entire workflow by clicking this link.

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